Saturday 6 March 2010

Day Seventeen

Somebody said that I haven't written an entry in a while. The simple reason is that there is nothing much to report.

I have no cravings to go on facebook, I have not yet begged my housemate to give me my passwork back, I have not missed out on some huge social event because I wasn't aware of it on facebook.

I was in the library the other day and a friend next to me was on my page, it could have been so easy just to have a look but I feel this would be breaking the rules. As much as I want to read what people have been spamming my wall with, I can wait another few weeks.

I've realised, if it wasn't for uni, I wouldn't go back to facebook after Lent. I get more done without it, I don't waste time sat there looking through pictures and peoples pages for no point. When I see people now I can have a nice little face to face catch up with them because I haven't seen them in a while.

So I'm going to enjoy the next 4 weeks, knowing full well that when I return to facebok at Easter but life will once again be infected with the facebook bug.


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